Monday 26 June 2017

DAK Panzer Company - Complete.

Afrika Korps on the move.
Today I show off my newly finished Panzer III Company.

The Army Assembled

HQ - 2 Panzer III short 5cms and an objective
When I go about building a new army, I normally go about collecting units and then assemble several lists. This time around, I created a 100 point, v4 list from the Afrika Korps book and went about building just those units. Despite having to wait for some boxes to come back into stock, the army came together quite quickly.

Panzer III Short 5cm
As I pulled the figures out and laid them out for the obligatory photo shoot, I realised that the 5 units are actually built from 4 different brand models. They seem to fit pretty well together though.

The 100 point army list again is:

Panzer III Company

2 x Panzer III short 5cm

Combat Platoons
4 x Panzer III Short 5cm
3 x Panzer III 7.5cm
4 x Panzer IV Short 7.5cm
3 x Panzer II

Support Platoons
4 x Marder

Panzer IIs

Panzer III 7.5cm
Panzer IV Short 7,5cm
I also painted up a pair of 8-rads which are not actually part of this list.


I hope you enjoyed this project as much as I. Now to get them on the table!!