Wednesday 11 January 2017

Review: Battlefront West German Panzer Grenadier Zug (TGR702)

Today I review the West German Panzergrenadier Zug.

With the Romanian's behind me, well at least enough for an army, it is time to get back into my Team Yankee West Germans. To date, I have only painted up a Leopard II platoon. You can see that review here.

In the pack is enough for a single platoon of infantry plus a formation commander. There are 2 Milan Missile teams, 3 MG3 teams and the formation command HQ team. Also included are the unit cards.

Unit cards and blister cover.

Battlefront have provided a good deal of variety in this pack. Considering that this is only a small platoon of 5 stands, nearly every figure supplied is a unique sculpt. There are 7 different G3 armed figures including officers and NCOs, 2 different MG3 figures and 2 different panzerfaust figures, Here are the figures as I unpacked them:

Blister contents.
Being a new blister, it comes standard with the new recessed brown bases. All figures were present. Surprisingly for a new unit, there was more flash than normal. This was cleaned easily enough though. There were no miscasts.

Each of the MG3 stands is made up of a panzerfaust, a MG3, a G3 assault rifle and then either a grenade launcher of an NCO. The Milan Missile team stands contain a Milan missile and a loader or NCO.

I glued the figures down ahead of painting. I will post again once I have painted the platoon. Until then, below are some pictures of the stands:

The pack's contents.
The formation command stand.
MG3 Stands.
Milan Missile teams.
MG3 Teams.
Why the gray base? I figured it was simpler than filling both holes. I just swapped out one from the spares box for a brown recessed base.

I hope you enjoyed this post.