Monday 23 January 2017

Painting: Battlefront Panzer Grenadier Zug for Team Yankee. (TGR702)

A while back I reviewed the Battlefront Panzer Grenadier blister for Team Yankee. You can find that review here. You may recall, I outlined my paint plan for the army here. Since then, I have made some small changes. For these figures, I used the Soviet Olive Green for Nato Green. I think it looks pretty good.

The full platoon plus formation commander.

Painting these boys up really was an exercise in painting Green. By the end, the black/gray was a welcome relief! Having said that, there was only 6 stands so I got it finished pretty quickly

The MG3 teams
  1. Being this is the first non-vehicle unit for the army, I will go through the steps I took.
  2. After basing up the unit, I hit it with a white undercoat.
  3. I painted the uniform German Field Gray
  4. I then painted the flesh.
  5. Next I hit the Milan missiles, RPGs and webbing with Brown Violet
  6. I then hit the boots, metal parts of the G3 and the RPGs black grey.
  7. Finally the helmets and gunstocks were Olive Green.
  8. I then hit the models with an army painter strong tone.
  9. Once dry, I started on highlights. First up raw German Field Green on the uniforms.
  10. Then a mix of Olive Green with a tiny amount of Iraqi Sand for the Nato Green parts.
  11. The Brown violet with again a small amount of Iraqi Sand for the Milan missiles and webbing
  12. Finally the basing. I used burnt umber with a highlight of flat earth. I then used some army painter tufts and some loose flock.

Rear view

So, the army grows by a formation commander and a Panzer Grenadier platoon. I will likely paint up another Panzer Grenadier platoon at some point but not before I paint some more vehicles.

2 Milan missile teams and the formation commander.

Another view.

Rear view.
Milan missile teams
Formation command up close.
I hope you enjoyed this article!

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