Today I double my Panzer III horde and complete my HQ section.
Yesterday I posted up my new DAK
1IC. I got in some quality painting time today and was able to finish up another Panzer III that will complete my HQ section. Look
here and
here for reviews of the Battlefront resin models of which this is one.
Every picture I see of DAK Panzers shows them with a significant amount of stowage. I added a crate and piece of track from an old Plastic Soldier Company (PSC) kit and an old strip of Battlefront German tank stowage to the engine desk.
The plastic PSC stowage is a good indication of the difference in the crispness of plastic and metal/resin components. The plastic stuff, be it from PSC or Battlefront is cleaner and more defined than the resin and metal components. The hobby is in a good position with the amount of nice plastic kits coming out.
I followed the same paint scheme as I used on the earlier Oberst Rettemeier model you can see in the 1IC link above.
I still have lots of work to go on the army before it can hit the desert sands. I hope you enjoyed this article.
The complete HQ section. |
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