Last weekend at Mega-Games Penrith, the Panzer Angriff club and the store offered a V4 launch event. The club setup a desert table with fully painted forces to demonstrate the game to anyone who wanted to play. Every time I checked there was a game going. What a great way to learn the new game!
British demo army
DAK demo army. |
The Panzer Angriff guys organised for a copy of the new DAK and Brit books to be signed by the BF design team. Everyone that purchased something went into the draw to win one. I was lucky enough to win the British book! Lucky me!
New V4 books and cards ready on the demo table. |
The new MW rules, the new free books, some of the new accessories and the box sets were on offer for those keen to get into the V4 desert stuff early.
Demo table |
The store also hosted the annual Sabre Late War event. 18 players turned out for 5 games of LW to say goodbye to V3.
Mega Games playing area. |
After 2 days of play, Scott lifted the perpetual plaque.
Swashbuckling Scott. |
Canadian Rams |
Mike and Geoff dancing during a quiet moment. |
Ross and Nathan |
Mitch's cool fortified Germans. |
One of several very nice snow tables. |
6 pounders |
AVREs. No they didn't get to fire their main gun. |
Brits advancing |
Volksturm on the defense. |
I hope you enjoyed coverage of the event.
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