You will have seen some painting and review posts for my
Romanian force. Even though I have written a few lists, I want to sit down and
write the one list to rule them all. Well, a list to at least paint up and play
a few games with. This list is from the new Barbarossa digital lists.
List Rules:
So, a word on the Romanians. To start, they are variable
morale. So, you need to roll off on a table each game to see what the rating of
each unit is. This means that you might have a range of different ratings in
the same army. There are 2 tables – regular and elite. Vanatori Motorizata is
an Elite list and therefore has fewer bad options on their table. Essentially,
there is 3 chance in 6 of being Confident Trained, 2 in 6 chance of being
Fearless Trained and 1 in 6 chance of being Confident Veteran.
Next, Romanians have a French Doctrine. The Romanians are
still using outdated trench warfare tactics at this point and therefore can dig
in on a 3+ (this is important as there is a 5/6 chance or being trained who
normally dig in on a 4+. Being an infantry list, digging in is important.
Infantry and gun teams who are dug in are also allowed to shoot over man packed
and light guns in defensive fire.
The Romanians get a Defend the Homeland rule that allows
them to reroll motivation to counter attack in assaults. This is the same as
British Bulldog.
So, onto the list. We generally play 1550 in Sydney so I
will shoot for that.
I will take the 1ic and 2ic with a truck for 30 points.
I have an option to take some 60mm mortars. I am not sure I
will have the points for that so I will hold off for the moment.
Combat Platoons.
There are 2 compulsory Vanatori Motorizata Platoons. These
are the foundation on which the list will be built. I will take them at full
strength. That is 2 x 10 stand rifle platoons with trucks. 2 x 135 points = 270
points. With the HQ, we are up to 300. 1250 to go.
Divisional Support.
OK, I have skipped Weapons Platoons and skipped straight to
the dessert menu, AKA the Divisional Support Platoons. This is where all the
tasty treats are.
So, the list will need to some recce. Cavalry tanks seem the
logical option. They are small, so easy to conceal. They are cheap so easy to
fit in a list. Finally they are pointed for purpose – that is you get just what
you need, recce that moves 12 inches, armour 0-0-1 with just a MG. No wide
tracks, main guns or fancy armour. 70 points
I have some R-2 tanks (35ts) on my paint bench and I am
reading a book on this beautifully boxy beast at the moment. So, let’s add a
unit of 3. This will be my unit of tanks. They are reasonable tanks in EW with
decent armour (FA 2), good movement (standard), a reasonable gun (RFO 2 and AT
6) and has 2 MGs and protected ammo. 195 points.
I really want some more vehicles and the only option left
are a platoon of captured BA10s or Tatra vz 30. I am going for BA10s. Please
see my blog post for my thoughts on Battlefronts models. These are a handy unit
as they are a second unit of recce, have a good AT7 gun and two MGs each. 155
So, I have spent 420 on vehicles. Add that to the 300 I spent earlier, I am up to 720 or just under half way.
Artillery is next. I really want a solid template to drop on
the hatches of any heavy tanks I encounter. Heavy artillery is expensive in EW,
so I go for the cheap and cheerful Skoda M14 100mm guns. I will add an observer
and some trucks for 235 points.
Next is some AT. I need something to meet the tank swarms
that EW often produces. This is where the Romanians excel. Let’s take 4 TAC
Schneider 47mm guns. These are ROF 3 and AT 8 so can stop most tank units dead.
225 points.
After gorging on dessert, I have spent 1180, let’s go back
to some weapons platoons.
Weapons Platoons
Even though my infantry platoons are 10 stands, they will
not be able to stop assaults from large infantry units. So, let’s buy a machine
gun platoon. This gives me 2 HMGs to attach out for 55 points.
I can take a second unit of the excellent TAC 47mm guns.
Let’s add 4 more of these puppies for another 225 points.
I am now at 9 platoons or 8 if I attach out the HMGs and have
spent 1480 points.
I am missing a very important ingredient – smoke. Sadly my
arty doesn’t have smoke rounds and the cheap HQ mortars don’t either. So, let’s
add a mortar platoon of four 81mm mortars for 80 points. This will give me both
a direct fire smoke and an indirect template of smoke. Finally, mortars are
great for digging out gun teams on the attack and for bombarding infantry in
the open on the defense.
I am now at 1555. Let’s take the trucks off the artillery platoon for -5 and that’s it, 1550. I am now at 10 platoons or 9 if the HMGs combat attach.
Hopefully you have found this useful. Please leave me a comment on what you think of the list.
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I Like the list; let us know how they play! Preparing lesse Axis for Barbarossa campaign and they are certainly an option for me!!!
ReplyDeleteI will do. Expect some battle reports when I have more painted. Thanks for the comments
DeleteI run a EW vanatori and in my opinion the best unit is the heavy 150 skoda arty... with 32 range they are the kv snipers you want ;)
ReplyDeleteI will defiantly look into this. AT 8 is great, except against a KV