Tuesday 25 October 2016

Painting: Battlefront BA10 (SU301)

I reviewed these beauties earlier. Check out the review here

It has taken me a little while to finish the painting but they are done. These models painted up really well. I love the shape of these old vehicles. They look as much like a large saloon car and they do an armoured car.

Battlefront have done a great job recreating this model. It looks just like the picture I have put up on the original review. All the joins, handles, and panels on the turret and body are raised and respond well to washes and highlights.

Here are the steps I took to paint these up:

1. After cleaning up the models, I sprayed them in army painter white. I gave them 2 light coats.
2. I then base coated them with Vallejo Olive Grey (888) using a brush.
3. I then hit them with a wash of Army Painter strong tone - again with a brush.
4. I then went over the panels with the Olive Grey again making sure to leave the recesses, corners and low points.
5. I then hit the hull with a very, very light highlight of Vallejo Green Grey (886). This picked up the edges, rivets and hatch handles.
6. I weathered the wheels with Vallejo Flat Earth (70983)
7. Finally I painted the the commander. My research shows that the tank crews wore a black cap and the same colour overalls/uniform as the army.

These are basically the same steps I took with the rest of the Romanian armour. These will also need some decals when I get some.

Anyway, on to the pics. I hope you enjoyed this post.

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