First up white undercoat. In the past, I used a black undercoat but a friend suggested that white means the base colour will be more vibrant. I don't know why but it works. This is a plastic soldier matt white.
Next up some Dunkelgelb or dark yellow. This is from the army painter spray can.
Next up a wash all over with army painter strong tone. This is from the dropper bottle and is applied with a brush
I then paint all the raised areas in middlestone (this is a perfect match for the earlier spray). I am careful to leave all the crevices that had been hit with the wash.
Next some camo. I used reflective green and chocolate brown. First I mix the camo colour 50/50 with the middlestone and water it down. I then paint within the lines just the raw camo colour. This is something I picked up from the battlefront website. This is only the 2nd time I have tried this technique.
I then painted the tracks cavalry brown. This represents the German factory primer.
Nearly there now.
Next I add some flat earth to show battlefield dust and dirt on tracks, wheels and mudguards.
Then a quick light highlight of Iraqi sand to catch the edges.
Finally some decals and a spray of matt varnish.
Here is the unit on patrol.