Rolling out of the Garage is a vehicle that Mad Mike, well, wouldn't understand.
Much as I would like to install a fish tank in the back seat or a TV in the dashboard, I have gone for a more mundane approach to the restoration of these vehicles.
The Staghound AA is one of the options from Battlefront's standard Staghound blister. I reviewed the
Staghound a while back. The
Battlefront Staghound is code is BR350 and is available on the website.
Fully pimped. Well, repainted anyway., |
Like my previous article on the
AEC IIIs, these old figures needed some work. Like the AECs, these were intact but needed cleaning up. One of the turret rings was detached from the hull so the old glue was removed and the turret ring was re glued. Unfortunately, the turrets didn't rotate at all and one had to be forced in. I used a hobby knife to run around the inside of the ring and slightly increase the diameter of the hole. They now both rotate freely.
The models after cleaning up ready for painting. |
The Wheels were removed, cleaned of mould lines and glued back in. This made a big difference to the stability of the vehicles. They sit level now. You can see the bare metal on the wheels of the left armoured car in the picture above.
The 50cal machine guns were very bent and were simply straightened. They didn't appear brittle so should serve without breaking for a good while yet.
These models come with a 1 piece turret cast in metal. I think they look really good, however these had some flashing and mould lines on it. These were painted over previously which made them very easy to spot. After a cleanup, I noticed there was also some very minor pitting on the back of one of the turrets but this isn't too obvious and I just left it.
I will need to work out a method of designating the commander of this platoon. I didn't consider this until after I painted them up.
These are otherwise ready to roll. I hope you enjoyed this review.